
The pg_track_settings extension is a small SQL-only extension. Its purpose is to keep track of configuration changes happening on your instances. You can see more details of how to use this extension on a presentation article.

This extension will record any change happening in

  • the main configuration settings (as configured in postgresql.conf or with ALTER SYSTEM for instance), as reported by the pg_settings view.
  • the per-user and/or per-database settings (ALTER ROLE … SET, ALTER DATABASE … SET and ALTER ROLE … IN DATABASE SET), as reported by the pg_db_role_setting table
  • PostgreSQL restart, using the pg_postmaster_start_time() function

when the snapshot function is called (or the functions starting from version 2.0.0).


If the user running the snapshot function has a per-user and/or a per-database settings, this setting will “hide” the regular value in pg_setting, so keep this restriction in mind when investigatin the extension reports.

All versions are compatible with PoWA with the standalone setup. Since version 2.0.0, pg_track_settings is compatible with the Remote setup added in PoWA 4.

Where is it used in powa-web ?

If the extension is properly configured, you should see a timeline widget, placed between each graph and its overview, displaying any kind of recorded change if any was detected in the currently selected time interval. This list will be filtered by the database currently displayed if the current page is displaying a specific database. This timeline will be displayed on every graph of the page, to easily check if this change had any visible impact.

Details of the changes will be displayed on mouseover. You can click on any event on the timeline to make the event stay displayed, and draw a vertical line on the underlying graph.


As seen in Quickstart, the PostgreSQL development packages should be available.

First, download and extract the latest release of pg_track_settings:

wget -O pg_track_settings-2.0.0.tar.gz
tar zxvf pg_track_settings-2.0.0.tar.gz
cd pg_track_settings-2.0.0

Since it’s an SQL-only extension, there’s no need to compile anything. You just need to install the package:

make install

No specific configuration or PostgreSQL restart is needed. Simply connect on the PoWA database as a superuser and type:

CREATE EXTENSION pg_track_settings;


If you’re installing a Remote setup configuration, then you need at least the version 2.0.0 of the extension. It also has to be intalled:

  • on the dedicated powa database of the repository server
  • on the dedicated powa database of all the remote servers for which you want to track the configuration changes

Using with PoWA

If you want PoWA to handle this extension, you have to connect as a superuser on the database where you installed PoWA, and type:

SELECT powa_wait_sampling_register();